This article reflects upon an ancient writing system known as The Elder Futhark Runes. This system was introduced in the 2nd century and it was being used till the 10th century AD. This system was being used by the Old Norse people for different purposes such as for writing, communicating with each other and for magical practices. Moreover, the meaning of each rune has been described here.
Let’s uncover all about elder futhark runes. Read below

Futhark Runes
Elder Futhark Runes:
The Elder Futhark runes are known as an ancient writing system which was evolved in the early 2nd to 10th century AD. This system was first introduced in Northern Europe by the German people. This alphabetic system comprises a series of symbols which are known as runes. There are 24 runes on the elder Futhark runes writing system. Each rune represents a different word, meaning and sound. This system comprises three groups which are known as attire. Each entire group consists of 8 runes which represent a different meaning.
The Elder Futhark runes writing system Is also termed as Old Futhark. This system was extensively used by the Old Norse and Germanic people for several purposes such as for writing, communicating with each other, fortune telling and divination, introspection and meditation. This system was also used for rituals and magical practices.
The use of runes in magical practices was common among people of Old Norse and they believed that they might manifest their desires and they may gain energy to shape their desired events by using these signs and symbols. Moreover, some specific runes were linked with some specific forces such as fire, water and sun. Some certain runes were used to represent abstract thoughts such as justice, protection and wisdom.

Elder Futhark Rune
The meaning of each rune was linked to the aettire In which it was represented and their meanings may be different in different societies and different communities. Despite all these variant meaning The Elder Futhark Runes is considered a system of powerful symbols among the ancient Norse people and Anglo-Saxons. These symbols known as runes have different interpretations depending upon different traditions and different contexts but most commonly these represent the meaning of:
- Spiritual and Divine concepts such as destiny, fate or God.
- Human phenomena such as life events, relationships and emotions.
- Natural experiences such as elements, plants and animals.
As mentioned earlier, The Elder Futhark runes writing system consists of Three attires named Freyja’s Aett, Hagall’s Aett and Tyr’s Aett. Each aettire comprises eight runes interpreting different meanings depending upon different regions and contexts.
Freyja’s Aett
The first aett of The Futhark Runes writing system is named Freyja’s Aett. This is named Freyja because this attire is linked with a Goddess named Freyja. This attire comprises of eight runes named as Fehu (F), Uruz (U), Thurisaz (Th), Ansuz (A), Raidho ®, Kenaz / Kaunan (K), Gebo (G), and Wunjo (W).
Hagall’s Aett
The second Aett of The Futhark Runes writing system is named Hagall’s Aett. This attire is named Hagall because this is linked with the God Hagal which is also named Heimdall. This system also consists of eight runes named Hagalaz (H), Nauthiz (N), Isa (I), Jera (J), Eiwaz (Ei), Perthro (P), Algiz (Z), Sowilo (S).
Tyr’s Aett
The third aett of The Futhark Runes alphabetic system is named Tyr’s Aett. This attire was named Tyr because it has been associated with the God Tyr. This attire also consists of eight runes named Tiwaz (T), Berkana (B), Ehwaz €, Mannaz (M), Laguz (L), Ingwaz (Ing), Dagaz (D), Othala (O).
Norse Rune Meaning:
There are 24 Norse runes in The Futhark Runes system and they may be interpreted differently depending on various traditions communities and contexts. Each rune may have a different meaning, representing a unique idea or concept. The first aett is known as Freyja’s Aett and it consists of the following runes.

Norse Rune Meaning
Freyja’s Aett:
Fehu (F):
This is the first rune of futhark runes and it may have different meanings depending upon the context and thoughts of the reader. Most probably it is linked with wealth, values, financial gains, abundance, progress, manifestation, physical reality and prosperity.
Uruz (U):
The second rune of the Futhark Runes alphabet system is known as Uruz (U) and this rune represents the symbol of courage, inner strength, bravery, mental and physical endurance and regeneration. Moreover, this is the symbol of passion, motivation, adventure, exploration and self-preservation.
Thurisaz (Th):
The third rune of the Futhark Runes alphabet system is termed Thurisaz (Th) and this rune is afflicted with the symbols of defense, protection, protective powers, thorn and courage to fight with the dangers.
Ansuz (A):
This is the fourth rune of the Futhark Runes alphabet system and this rune is closely tied with the symbols of communication, wisdom and God. This rune is closely related to the strength of words that are spoken and communication with God.
Raidho (R):
This rune of the Futhark Runes alphabet system is known for the symbols of change in place, travel, journey or ride. This rune is closely tied to the journey of life and movement from one place to another place.
Kenaz / Kaunan (K):
Kenaz is the sixth rune of the Futhark Runes alphabet system and it is also known as Kaunan. This rune is affiliated with the symbols of procreation power, creativity and fertility.
Gebo (G):
This rune of the Futhark Runes alphabetic system is well known for the symbols of transformations, disruptions, hail, the exchange of resources and energy, for exchange of gifts, partnership and generosity.
Wunjo (W):
This is the last and eighth rune of the first attire and it is well known for the symbols of success, joy, prosperity, joy associated with success and the achievement of life goals.
Hagall’s Aett:
The second Aett of The Futhark Runes writing system is named Hagall’s Aett. This attire also consists of eight Norse runes which have the following meanings:

Hagall’s Aett
Hagalaz (H):
This is the first rune of the Hagall’s aett of the futhark runes writing system and this rune is closely tied with the symbols of chaos, transformations, hail and change.
Nauthiz (N):
The second rune of the second attire of the Futhark Runes alphabetic system is named Nauthiz. This rune is linked with the symbols of challenges, constraints and needs. According to this symbol, we must adhere to the challenges and constraints and we must overcome these constraints.
Isa (I):
The third rune of the second attire is known as Isa. This rune is closely tied to the symbols of ice. This correlates with the symbols of the ice of being patient and stillness.
Jera (J):
This rune of the futhark runes alphabetic system is well known for terms like a year, seasons, prosperity, abundance and success.
Eiwaz (Ei):
This rune of the second attire of the Futhark Runes writing system is known for the symbols of ash and ash trees. This rune depicts the meaning of healing, power and strength of change and to be transformed.
Perthro (P):
This rune of Futhark Runes writing system is known for the symbol of wood or trees. The meaning of this rune is not very clear but most probably it is linked with mysteries, secrets and initiations.
Algiz (Z):
This rune of the Futhark Runes alphabetic system is well known for the symbol of elk. The meaning of this rune is closely tied to the assistance of high energies, defensive powers and protection.
Sowilo (S):
The last rune of the second attire of the Futhark Runes alphabetic system is named Sowilo. This rune is closely linked with the sun and its meaning is closely linked with the achievement of divine enlightenment, victory, prosperity and success.
Tyr’s Aett:
The third aett of The Futhark Runes alphabetic system is named Tyr’s Aett. This attire also comprises eight runes having the following meanings:

Tyr’s Aett
Tiwaz (T):
The first rune of the third attire of the Futhark Runes writing system is known as Tiwaz. This rune is closely tied with the “God Tyr”. The meaning of this rune is affiliated with the characteristics of a great leader, honor and justice.
Berkana (B):
The second rune of the third attire is termed Berkana and it is also known as “birch”. The meaning of this rune is affiliated with the life and death span, fertility and growth.
Ehwaz (E):
This is the third rune of the third attire of the Futhark Runes alphabetic system and its meaning is closely linked with progress, success, movement and horse.
Mannaz (M):
This rune of the third attire is closely tied with the term “man” and its meaning is affiliated with human relationships, society and humanity.
Laguz (L):
This rune of the futhark runes writing system is associated with the terms “lake or water”. The meaning of this term is analogous to the strength of unconsciousness, flow of emotions and intuition.
Ingwaz (Ing):
This rune was first known by the name “Freyr” and its meaning corresponds to the achievement of life goals, fulfillment of personal aims and completion of tasks within life.
Dagaz (D)
This rune of the futhark runes writing system is associated with the term “Day”. The meaning of this rune is closely tied to harmony, balance, divine enlightenment and transformation.
Othala (O)
This is the last rune of the third attire and it is closely associated with the symbol of home. The meaning of this rune is interlinked with the generation, cultural values, spiritual values and inheritance.
Futhark Runes:
There are three groups of futhark rune writing systems which are known as attires. The names of these attires are:
- Freyja’s Aett
- Hagall’s Aett
- Tyr’s Aett
This ancient writing system comprises 24 runes and each aettire has a set of 8 runes that makes 24 runes as a whole. Each rune has a unique symbol and a unique meaning. Most people believe that these attires are associated with the cycles of nature and there are certain who believe that the meanings of these runes are hidden and mysterious.
Rune Meanings:
There are 24 runes in the Futhark Runes alphabetic system and the meaning of each rune is interpreted differently depending upon the context, beliefs, traditions and communities. All of the 24 runes have a unique meaning different from another. Some are associated with certain Gods and goddesses and some are interlinked with certain cycles of nature.
These 24 runes generally represent the meaning of spiritual and divine concepts such as destiny, fate or God, human phenomena such as life events, relationships and emotions, and natural experiences such as elements, plants and animals. Moreover, each rune had a unique symbol and sound.

Rune Meanings
We must remember that the meanings of runes described above are not absolute. The meaning may vary depending on different contexts, regions and traditions. Each rune may have a different meaning representing a unique idea or concept in a certain context.
Certain specific runes were linked with some specific forces such as fire, water and the sun. Some certain runes were used to represent abstract thoughts such as justice, protection and wisdom. Hence, the meanings of Norse runes in the futhark runes writing system may be different depending upon different contexts and surroundings.
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It has been concluded by the article that The Elder Futhark an ancient writing system was extensively being used by the old Norse and Germanic people in the 2nd to 10th century AD. This system comprises of 3 aettires and each aettire consists of a set of 8 runes. Each rune had a different sound and meaning depending upon different contexts, regions and beliefs. It is significant to consider that can we use the Norse rune for future predictions.
Frequent Ask Questions:
Can we use Norse runes for future predictions?
Yes! Norse runes are being used for gaining intuition about future predictions. This has been a common practice among the old Norse people for gaining insight into future events.
Norse runes were used for what purpose?
These Norse runes have been used for certain purposes such as for discovering yourself, for magical practices, for divination etc.
How can we interpret the Norse runes?
The meanings of Norse runes of the Futhark Runes alphabetic system are interpreted differently according to the beliefs of people and surroundings. Each rune had a unique sound and a unique meaning depending upon various contexts and traditions.