These days different slang has been introduced on social media. These slang are commonly used for the person with the qualities specified for that particular slang. However, slang is not only used for the person with relatable qualities it can also be used on a general basis whenever you are angry. However, in this article, on a very popular demand, we will provide you with details regarding the slang “Sigma meaning slang”. Read the paragraphs below to dive into the details about the slang term Sigma Male.
Let’s uncover sigma meaning. Read below

sigma meaning
Sigma Origin:
The word Sigma is derived from the Greek language. Sigma is the number 18th letter of the Greek alphabet (out of 24 Greek alphabets). Sigam can also be identified with the sign (σ). So, whenever you see this sign instead of the word sigma make sure to understand that this sign means sigma.
Sigma Meaning:
Derived from the Greek language the term Sigma (σ) has various meanings depending upon the backdrop. However, mostly the term Sigma is widely used in academic expressions but these days it is also used in the normal conversation online through different social media platforms but this is a late topic of discussion.
For now, below here we have given the meaning of Sigma in academic expression. You will see how even in academic expression the term Sigma’s meaning varies with the subject and situation.
In Mathematics, Sigma is used to represent the sum of numbers and the sum of a series of numbers.
In Stats, Sigma is used as the symbol of standard deviation and is used to measure or calculate the amount of dispersion.
Caste System:
In the caste system also known as social Hierarchy the term Sigma is commonly used for the person whose thoughts and actions are completely beyond the cultures, and traditions of a particular society.
Other Situations:
In some common situations or conditions, the term Sigma is used to identify something unknown.
Hope that it is clear that generally what the word Sigma exactly means in learning terminology and how its meaning can vary according to the context and subject even in academic expression.

Sigma Mean in Slang
Sigma Meaning Slang:
As previously discussed the Greeks have originated the term Sigma which is now widely used not only in learning terminology but also in our normal conversation that is held through different social media platforms.
However, the term Sigma is used on social media as slang. Moreover, usually, individuals use slang when they are angry with someone. But the Sigma slang is particularly used for the person who possesses some specific qualities. Nevertheless, below here is the list of qualities that need to be in the person for whom you use the word Sigma. :
- Solo Operator: The word Solo Operator is used for a person whose thoughts and actions completely differ from the society in which he/she was brought up. He/She wants to live an independent life with his/her own rules.
- Nontraditional: The term is commonly used for the person who doesn’t like his/her traditions and hence not follow them. Such kind of people feel suffocated in pursuing their traditions and hence they stop following them and start living their way of life against society and customs.
- Self-Sufficiency: The term is used for individuals who do not depend on others for their needs. In addition, they don’t need other’s approval for whatever they say and do. They just do whatever they want to and find the right for themselves.
- Ambiguous: The term is used for a person who is mysterious, and different from others in a society where people follow the same traditions and cultures. Such kinds of people are beyond the understanding of the other individuals in the society. Society finds such an individual with a completely different personality hard to understand.
- Introverted: The term is used for the person who prefers to stay alone, prioritizes their privacy a lot, and tries to prevent or stay away from any social gatherings.
Hope that it is clear now that for the different, unique, and independent types of person, the word Sigma is used. Hope that it is also clear now why it is considered as slang. However, now you can easily explain to everyone for what reason the word Sigma is used what it exactly means, and how its meaning varies within the context.

Sigma Male Definition
Sigma Male Definition:
We have already discussed that for what kind of individual the term Sigma is used. However, “Sigma Male is the term that is specifically used for a man having some particular qualities that make him different from other individuals in a community. However, the other people in society consider that particular type of man strange, mysterious, different, and completely out of mind”.
What Does Sigma Male Mean:
As previously discussed Sigma Male is the word that is particularly used for the Male who possess some specific qualities. Below here is the list of qualities that are required for the Male to be called a Sigma Male.
- Self-Reliant Individual: Sigma Male is used for the person who is self-sufficient or independent. He is not dependent on anyone for anything. He does his all tasks by himself. He does whatever he considers right and is not answerable for his deed to anyone. Whatever he has to do he will do with courage and bravery without fear from anyone.
- Free Thinker: The term Sigma Male is used for the person who thinks completely out of the box. His thoughts do not match with the other people in the society. He thinks the way he wants and he is. He does not change himself and his thoughts about societal norms. His behavior shows his different personality and thoughts from everybody else in the community.
- Self-Assured: The word Sigma is used for the person who is confident enough to prove himself in society. He is fearless and confident enough to put his thoughts in front of everybody no matter what other people think. In addition, he does whatever he considers right and does not want anybody’s approval for his actions.
What Does Sigma Male Mean
Self-Contained: The word Sigma is used for the individual who prefers to stay alone. He does not make friends easily. Such kind of man has a very small group of friends. He even does not prefer to go to social gatherings because he feels suffocation in gatherings. This is because the people at gatherings are usually those who consider that person mysterious and strange. That’s why Sigma Male does not prefer and want to go to places or social gatherings where he does not feel comfortable, belongs and people there also do not like him. Moreover, it does not include arrogance and attitude.
- Observant: Sigma Males are very good observers. They observe such things which are out of sight of a normal individual. For Example, if a Sigma Male goes to a gathering for some reason he will set aside silently and start noticing things that other people may ignore but those things are very important and unique to notice.
- Strategic Thinkers: As previously discussed Sigma Males are good observers as their thoughts are. For instance, if he has to make a decision and has to investigate something to reach a conclusion he will first research each aspect of the discussion properly. He will check all the shreds of evidence in detail, he will also notice even the expressions and words of the individuals and then make a decision which he considers is right.
- Versatile: The Sigma Male is the kind of person who can easily fit in with every kind of person. For instance, if he meets a person for the first time he will have a discussion with him/her on a good note. Through the discussion, he will analyze the personality of the individual with whom he is talking and then decide how many boundaries he has to set with that particular person so he/she will not harm him. He easily adapts and fits into every society because he does not often mingle with individuals and prefers to spend his life in privacy and loneliness.
- Genuine: The term Sigma Male is used for the person who is authentic and genuine. He is not only true to himself but also to other people in the society or community. He does not wear a mask on his face. He is whatever he is in front of everybody. If he considers a person bad he will say this to him/her on his/her face without fearing from anybody. The Sigma Male always stands for the people he considers right even the society or the world is against them.
Above written all qualities are needed to be in the male whom you call Sigma Male. However, Sigma Male is considered slang because generally, people do not like male who has different personality and thoughts from society. As the Sigma Male does whatever he considers right for which he can even go against everybody no matter what that is also the reason for the disliking of the Sigma Male. Hope that you understand clearly that for what kind of men the word Sigma Male is used and how it has become slang.
The whole conversation gives you detailed information that what the word Sigma mean, from where the word Sigma originated, and how its meaning varies in academic expression. In addition, this article also gives you detailed information about Sigma Male and its meaning, for which kind of people the word is used, and why it has become slang. I hope that the above-written article will be helpful to you.
Does the word Sigma Male is used for the arrogant male?
No, it is not. For a Male whom you call Sigma Male may be introverted and don’t go to gatherings, and prefer to stay quiet and alone but it does not include arrogance and attitude. Being quiet and being arrogant are completely different from each other.
Why Sigma Male has become slang?
Sigma Male has become slang because generally, people do not like male who has different personality and thoughts from society. As the Sigma Male does whatever he considers right for which he can even go against everybody no matter what that is also the reason for the disliking of the Sigma Male. Hence it has become slang.
What is the origin of the word Sigma and for what kind of person the word Sigma is used?
The word Sigma is derived from the Greek language. Sigma is the number 18th letter of the Greek alphabet (out of 24 Greek alphabets). Sigam can also be identified with the sign (σ). However, the word Sigma is used for solo operator, non-traditional, self-sufficient, ambiguous, and introverted type of person. However, such kind of people are not usually liked by the individuals of the society and hence called Sigma.