Nowadays, the world is moving faster and the internet language is becoming broad. The term “sussy baka” is a difficult term that requires a group of teams to decode the term Sussy Baka meaning.
Some questions arise, like what is sussy baka? Sussy Baka meaning. So let’s move forward and talk about what sussy baka means in actuality. And how and when to use it so you will not seem out of the chat when you are with your friends. actually, sussy baka is a slang phrase used in texting on social media.
Let’s find out Sussy Baka meaning, Read below

Sussy Baka Meaning
Sussy Baka Meaning:
Sussy baka is a slang phrase that comprises two languages and words English and Japanese. Let us Split this phrase into two parts “sus” and “baka,” and learn what sussy baka means.
“ Sus” is from “suspicious,” and “baka” is a Japanese word that means “fool”. This slang phrase is used to show the person acting fool. Or to annoy someone in a friendly way.
This slang phrase is often used to act playfully or jokingly to make fun of someone’s stupidity.
What does Sussy Baka mean?
Sussy baka is a slang phrase that generally talks about a person acting foolish or suspicious. It is similar to the phrase “dumbhead.”.
It is used as a means to make fun of someone’s stupidity. It is a phrase to act playfully or jokingly. You may not see many people using this term. This is a term either to be said to annoy or to act silly to someone else.
For example:
- You: “Who replaces my sports drink with mouthwash?”
Them: “Ohh max, you sussy baka.”😂
- They: “I have tripped cuz of banana peel you threw.”
You: “Ohh you sussy baka!”😂
Bringing and spreading of term Sussy Baka:
This slang phrase is comprised of two languages and two words. “Sus” is from suspicious and “Baka” is a Japanese word that means “fool” or “stupid.”
Its wide usage is found in the world of gaming. The players mostly use this term. This term has also been used by people who watch anime. Anime fans use this slang term as anime is a Japanese show.
Among US:
Among Us demands players to participate and identify and remove an undercover agent or imposter, which leads to charging a certain player for being suspicious while playing the game.
Manga fans in the West also use this slang phrase to make fun of or insult.

Sussy Baka a Meme
Sussy Baka a Meme:
Sussy baka Familiarized by TikTok:
In the year 2021, on March 21, a live stream on the app was hosted by Akeam Francis in which he used the phrase sussy baka he stated, “Deku! Why do you get to be such a sussy baka?”.
After the live stream, the short clip of this stream went viral throughout social media mostly on TikTok, and was used and added to common language.
This phrase then became a trend on TikTok.
In anime, deku is a character who is also called Baka because of his fullish and stupid behavior. Anime characters have been seen using the word “Baka”.A hero in anime named Naruto often uses this word.
The term “Sussy Baka” has also been used by people who watch anime. Anime fans use this slang term as anime is a Japanese show.
By Actor Dean Norris in a Cameo Clip:
An actor is also spotted using this phrase. Cameo is a service that pays actors or users to say scripted lines.
So the actor Dean Norris made a clip and used the phrase “sussy baka” in his clip. In the clip on the cameo, the actor Norris said “Don’t lie to me! Walt sussy baka”.
This clip gained a lot of views and this phrase went viral all over social media. Since then this slang phrase is been used widely on TikTok, Twitter, and other social media platforms.

Sussy Baka Uses
Sussy Baka Uses :
Now we will learn about the usage of the term sussy baka in different senses.
In a friendly way:
If you are chatting with your friends or mates and you want to show them you are onto them or to act goofy say sussy baka to be friendly or to act foolish.
For example:
- Them: “I have tripped because of the banana peel you threw”
You: “Ohh you sussy baka!”😂
- A: “I saw Lewis in the restaurant; he broke the glass”😂
B: “What a sussy baka”😂
For the purpose of Annoy:
You can also use this slang phrase to annoy someone make fun of someone or insult.
For example:
- “I’ll call you Sussy Baka from now on because I know you’re annoyed by that.”
- “Don’t call me sussy baka cuz that is only you”
Furthermore Related to Sussy Baka:
Some more things relevant to our phrase that were found on the internet are :
Luksong Baka:
Luksong Baka is a philipines traditional game.This game is generated in Bulacan. It involves a maximum of ten players and a minimum of three players.
How to play:
To play and win this game, the player has to jump from the “Baka,” also called “cow,” without touching it or falling on it.
If the player fails or touches that, baka the player then will kneel and the other person jump above them and that’s how the game continues.
It is recommended that the players ask the baka or Taya to put their heads down to avoid their feet hitting the baka’s head.
So the conclusion is that sussy baka is spread all over the internet with great speed. Arise from a playful mix of slang gaming and anime society, It cut across its initial context to spark humor across various social media. Indeed, slang captures a wonderful moment in online interaction. As a result, it’s a testament not only a meme, to the ever-changing outlook of social media. Thus can be used between friends or a global delight. Susy Baka stands out as stupid or fool in internet history. So as we continue to negotiate the rich array of online language, phrases like this help us remember the creativity and collective incident that the internet can encourage.
1. What is a sussy baka?
Susy baka is a slang phrase that is used to show a person acting foolish or stupid.
2. Who created Sussy Baka?
An actor named Francis introduced this slang phrase on TikTok.
3. Is sussy a bad word?
Sussy means you aren’t a good guy so it is a shortened form of the word bad.