Nowadays, the use of acronyms has increased. The use of acronyms is based on people’s preferences. Today people prefer to make long conversations short because it not only makes things easier to understand but also saves time. However, in this article, we are going to introduce you to the acronym TLDR meaning and its uses not only in your conversation but also in writing.
Are you ready to find out TLDR Meaning?
What It Means in Chat, WhatsApp, TikTok, and Snapchat. In this article, we are going to discuss all of its uses in detail. Let’s find out everything.

TLDR Stands For
TLDR Stands For:
TLDR stands for “too long didn’t read” You can also write it like this “Too Long; Didn’t Read”. Several ways for writing this acronym are tl;dr, TL; DR.
TLDR Meaning:
According to the Oxford English Dictionary, it was first used in 2002. Nonetheless, the phrase was added in 2013 to the Oxford online dictionary. From then on, a lot of Internet users started using it, and these days it’s a pretty widespread abbreviation.
TLDR Meaning Urban Dictionary:
The term was added to the Urban Dictionary in 2009. It has the same meaning in it as everywhere else. In the Urban Dictionary, it is abbreviated the same as it is abbreviated in the Oxford Dictionary “Too Long Didn’t Read”.

tldr meaning urban dictionary
Where to Use TLDR:
Different people use TLDR according to their needs and desires. For Instance, content writers use TLDR to make a short description of what type of content has been written in the article.
They can also use TLDR to make bulleted points that indicate the important points discussed in the whole article. Despite all of its uses, TLDR can also be used for commenting on any post on social media that is too lengthy to read.
How to Use TLDR:
There are various ways to use TLDR in your writing or while commenting. Here we will provide you with a few examples that how you can use this acronym in various places so that its use will become easier for you.
- “I presented a detailed analysis of market trends, but for those who missed it, here’s the TL;DR: Invest in renewable energy stocks.”
- “I read through the entire study on cognitive development in children, but here’s the TL;DR: Early childhood experiences significantly shape later abilities.”
- “Shared an article on the benefits of meditation. TL;DR: It reduces stress and improves focus.”
Besides this, you can also use it for commenting below on any social media post like
- Post: “Just finished an amazing book on mindfulness and happiness!”
- Comment: “Sounds intriguing! TL;DR: Practice mindfulness, be happy?”
We hope that these examples might help you with the use of TLDR in different places.
Impression of Using the Acronym TLDR:
The use of the acronym TLDR at various places also left an impression on the reader. It totally depends on the place where you are using it. For example, if you are using it above or below your writing to summarize what you’ve written, it will leave a good impression on the reader. On the other hand, it might come out as impolite or rude if you use it for commenting on any social media post.
What Does TLDR Mean in a Relationship:
TLDR meaning in a relationship fully depends on the type of relationship a person has with the other and also the place you are using it. However, for instance, if you are dating someone or having a close relationship with someone it might leave a rude impression on the other person if you use it while chatting.
If you are not very close with someone, for example, your colleague, it will also leave the same rude or disrespectful impression if you are responding to him/her. The same thing: if you use it in your writing to summarize what you’ve written, it will leave a good impression on your head. So, hopefully, it will be clear what this acronym means and how you will use it.

how to use tldr
Recommendations for the Use of TLDR:
It is generally recommended not to use it anywhere except in your writing, whether it is a blog, article, e-mail, etc. The reason behind this is very clear if you use it while chatting with anyone, whether it be your close friend, girlfriend, colleague, or your head it will final a nasty and negative impression on them.
Is TLDR Useful in a Professional Setting?
It is not as useful in a professional life as in writing. As we’ve conferred before its use in normal conversation leaves a rude or disrespectful impression on others.
Similarly, if you use it with your colleagues or with your heads while responding to any specific thing it will leave the same ill-mannered impression on them or you might suffer due to the wrong use of words. However, you should be very careful while using it at any place.
Is TLDR a Slang?
Yes, the acronym TLDR “Too Long; Didn’t Short” is an Internet Slang that is widely used above or below any writing to summarize what you’ve written. Additionally, considered rude if you use it when commenting on any post on social media or on any other things.