Since ancient times, people have been fond of “Shayari” meaning “poetry.”. However, these days posting sad shayari on social media whenever you are upset is very trendy.
Moreover, in this article, we are going to provide you with some alone sad Shayari. Because very few people have the talent of writing Shayari. It is not everybody’s piece of cake.
That’s why in today’s article we are going to provide you with sad Shayari so that the individuals for whom writing sad Shayari is difficult can copy them and paste them on any social media account whenever they are upset.

Alone Shayari
Alone Shayari:
Alone Shayari refers to the Shayari or poetry written by someone who feels alone. However, Shayari often posts on social media by a person who feels alone.
Sometimes it happens the person who is feeling alone does not know how to write Shayari by him/herself so that they can post it on social media so that everybody can know that he/she is alone.
However, for such kind of individuals below we are providing you with alone Shayari. So, that the individuals who find it difficult to write alone Shayari can copy it from here and paste it into their social media accounts.
Along with the alone Shayari, we are also writing its English translation. As English is an International language it will be easier for everybody to understand. Below here is the list of Alone Shayari:
- अकेले ही गुजरती है ज़िंदगी की राहें, हर कोई यहाँ किसी ना किसी से नाराज़ है।
English: Life’s paths are walked alone, Everyone here is upset with someone.
- दिल के आँगन में तन्हाई का बसेरा है, अब तो यादों का ही सहारा है।
English: In the courtyard of the heart, solitude resides, Now, memories are the only support.
- ये तन्हाई का आलम, अब सहा नहीं जाता, किसी अपने का साथ, अब रहा नहीं जाता।
English: This state of loneliness, I can no longer bear, The company of a loved one, I can no longer have.
- अकेले चलना है, चाहे राहें कठिन हों, ये जिंदगी का सफर, अब हमसफर बिन है।
English: I have to walk alone, no matter how tough the roads are, This journey of life is now without a companion.
- खुद को खुद ही अब संभालना पड़ेगा, जब कोई साथ न हो, तो अकेले ही जीना पड़ेगा।
English: I have to take care of myself now, When no one is with me, I have to live alone.
- तन्हाई की चादर ओढ़ कर सोते हैं, अब तो ख्वाब भी अकेले ही आते हैं।
English: We sleep wrapped in a blanket of loneliness, Now, even dreams come alone.
- अकेलेपन की आदत सी हो गई है, हर खुशी अब रुसवाई सी हो गई है।
English: I’ve gotten used to being alone, Every joy now feels like a betrayal.
Hope the above written alone shayari with English translation will be helpful for you.
Alone Sad Shayari:
Alone Sad Shayari is written and posted by someone who is not only feeling alone but is also sad about being alone. These days, posting alone sad Shayari is very common because it is a new trend to post whatever you are feeling so that everybody can know about your mood. For your convenience below here we have given the list of alone sad shayari with its English translation.
- अकेले तो हम पहले भी जी रहे थे,क्यूँ तन्हा से हो गए हैं तेरे जाने के बाद।
English: We were living alone before too, Why have I become lonely after your departure?
- अकेलेपन का दर्द भी अजीब होता है, दर्द तो होता है लेकिन दर्द के आँसू आँखों से बाहर नहीं आते।
English: The pain of loneliness is also strange, There is pain but tears of pain do not come out of the eyes.
- इस अकेलेपन से अब तंग आ गया हूं, इसलिए बहुत से आईने खरीद लाया हूं।
English: Now I am fed up with this loneliness, That’s why I have bought many mirrors.
- अकेला भी इस तरह पड़ गया हूं, कि मेरा हौसला भी साथ नहीं दे रहा है।
English: I am left alone like this, That even my courage is not supporting me.
- तन्हाई में रोने का मजा ही कुछ और है, अपने बिना अब ये दिल कहीं और नहीं लगता।
English: There’s a unique pleasure in crying in solitude, Without you, this heart doesn’t find solace anywhere else.
- जब से तन्हा हुए हैं, कोई अपना नहीं मिला, इस दिल के दर्द का कोई दरमां नहीं मिला।
English: Ever since I’ve been alone, I haven’t found anyone of my own, For the pain of this heart, no remedy has been found.
Hope the above-written alone sad Shayari will be helpful for you to post on your social media account whenever you are feeling sad because of being alone.

Akele Shayari
Akele Shayari:
Akele is the Hindi/Urdu word that means “alone”. Hence, “Akele Shayari” refers to the alone Shayari. We have already conferred before what “Alone Shayari” or “Akele Shayari” means but for more clarity, it is written that Akele Shayari refers to the Shayari written by someone who feels alone. Below here is the list of Akele Shayari with its English translation so that it will be easier for everybody to understand.
- तन्हाई में यूं ही अक्सर, मैं खुद से बातें करता हूं, तेरी यादों के सहारे, ये रातें गुजरता हूं।
English: Often in solitude, I talk to myself, With the support of your memories, I pass these nights.
- दिल की वीरानियों में, तेरा ही नाम गूंजता है, तनहाई के इस सफर में, तेरा ही अक्स नजर आता है।
English: In the desolation of my heart, Only your name echoes, In this journey of loneliness, Only your image appears.
- अकेलेपन की सजा, हर किसी को नहीं मिलती, ये तो किस्मत वालों को ही, नसीब होती है।
English: The punishment of loneliness, Not everyone receives, This is only destined, For the fortunate ones.
- तन्हा रहना सीख लिया मैंने, खुद को समझाना सीख लिया मैंने, अब ना किसी से शिकायत है, ना कोई उम्मीद बाकी है।
English: I’ve learned to stay alone, I’ve learned to console myself, Now I have no complaints with anyone, Nor any expectations left.
- किसी ने सही कहा है, तन्हाई में जीना आसान नहीं, मगर हमने तो इसे ही, अपना साथी बना लिया है।
English: Someone said it right, Living in solitude isn’t easy, But I’ve made it, My companion.
- तन्हाई में गुजर रही है जिंदगी, किसी के इंतजार में गुजर रही है जिंदगी, ये न पूछो कितना दर्द है दिल में, हर दिन एक नए जख्म के साथ गुजर रही है जिंदगी।
English: Life is passing in solitude, Life is passing in someone’s wait, Don’t ask how much pain is in the heart, Every day is passing with a new wound.
- तन्हाई में अक्सर, दिल टूट जाता है, जब कोई पास ना हो, और कोई याद आता है।
English: Often in solitude, The heart breaks, When no one is around, And someone is remembered.
- तन्हाई का दर्द, कोई क्या समझेगा, जो दूर है किसी से, वही इसका मतलब जानेगा।
English: The pain of loneliness, Who will understand, Only the one far from someone, Will know its meaning.
Hope that the above written Akele Shayari means Alone Shayari will be helpful for you to post on your social media account whenever you are alone or just feeling alone.
Alone Sad Shayari in English:
We have already conferred in detail what Alone Sad Shayari means. In addition, we have also provided you with some Alne Sad Shayari with its English translation. However, in this paragraph, we will provide you with Alone Sad Shayari in English. Below here is the list of English Alone Sad Shayari.
- In the silence of the night, I talk to the stars, Only they know the depth, Of my lonely scars.
- Alone I walk this path, With shadows as my guide, Every step a reminder, Of the tears I’ve tried to hide.
- The world is full of people, Yet I feel so alone, Amongst the crowd I search, For a place I can call home.
- The emptiness inside me, Echoes in the night, With every beat of my heart, I lose another fight.
- I hide my pain with a smile, No one sees the tears I cry, In this lonely heart of mine, Every hope has died.
- The silence speaks to me, In words I cannot say, It tells the tale of loneliness, That won’t just fade away.
- My shadow is my only friend, In this world so cold, It never leaves my side, Even as I grow old.
- The nights are long and quiet, My heart heavy with pain, In the darkness of my solitude, Only memories remain.
- I wander through the emptiness, With no one by my side, In the silence of my loneliness, I let my sorrows hide.
Hope these sad alone Shayari in English will be helpful for you to post on your social media account.

Alone Sad Shayari in Hindi
Zindagi Alone Shayari:
Zindagi is the Hindi/Urdu language word that means life. So, Zindagi Alone Shayari means that someone is living his/her life alone. He/She has to face every hardship and enjoy success or achievement alone. For such kinds of individuals below here is the list of Zindagi Alone Shayari so that they can post it on their social media accounts.
- तन्हा हूं इस सफर में, कोई साथ नहीं, ज़िन्दगी की इस राह पर, अब कोई भी पास नहीं।
I am alone in this journey, No one is with me, On this path of life, Now, no one is near.
- ज़िन्दगी के इस सफर में, तन्हाई ही साथी है, हर कदम पर दर्द है, और हर मोड़ पर ख्वाहिशें राखी हैं।
In this journey of life, Loneliness is my companion, There is pain at every step, And every turn holds abandoned desires.
- ज़िन्दगी ने सिखाया है, तन्हा रहना और मुस्कुराना, हर दर्द को छुपाकर, खुशी का दिखावा करना।
Life has taught me, To stay alone and smile, To hide every pain, And pretend to be happy.
- ज़िन्दगी के इस सफर में, तन्हाई का दौर है, हर ख़ुशी छिन गई, अब सिर्फ़ ग़मों का शोर है।
In this journey of life, It’s an era of loneliness, Every joy is gone, Now there’s only the noise of sorrows.
- तन्हा इस ज़िन्दगी में, हर पल दर्द है, खुशी के हर लम्हे में, एक ग़म छुपा है।
In this lonely life, Every moment is pain, In every happy moment, A sorrow is hidden.
Hope that the above-written Zindagi alone Shayari will be helpful for you.
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Hope that this article will be helpful for you. In this article, you will find the best Shayari for being alone and also for being sad about your loneliness. So, check our website whenever you are searching for the best Shayari for being alone to post on your social media account.
What is meant by “Akele Shayari”?
Akele is the Hindi/Urdu word that means “alone”. Hence, “Akele Shayari” refers to the alone Shayari. The Shayari is written by a person who is alone.
What is meant by Zindagi Alone Shayari?
Zindagi is the Hindi/Urdu language word that means life. So, Zindagi Alone Shayari means that someone is living his/her life alone.
Write some English Alone Sad Shayari?
Alone Sad Shayari is written and posted by someone who is not only feeling alone but is also sad about being alone. A few of Alone Sad Shayari in English are given below:
- In the silence of the night, I talk to the stars, Only they know the depth, Of my lonely scars.
- Alone I walk this path, With shadows as my guide, Every step a reminder, Of the tears I’ve tried to hide.
- The world is full of people, Yet I feel so alone, Amongst the crowd I search, For a place I can call home.