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Having tattoo on the body these days is not something considered very different. However, to make it unique we should have make meaningful tattoos on our body. In this article, we are going to discuss about a meaningful tattoo which not only present your  personality strong and attractive to others but also give you internal motivation and strength. Yes, we are talking about Medusa Tattoo.

Read the paragraphs below to dive into the details regarding the Medusa Tattoo. 

Medusa Tattoo

Medusa Tattoo

Medusa Tattoo Meaning & Origin: 

This remarkable Medusa Tattoo according to the research has its roots in Greek mythology. There is a complete historical background on the story of Medusa. To get to know the complete historical background read the paragraphs below.  

Historical Mythology of Medusa Tattoo: 

There are many myths that are widespread about the story of Medusa, someone says that she was a  born monster, or someone says that she was a very beautiful lady but later turned into a monster due to the curse of Athena. People portrays her story the way they want to. However, the actual Greeks myth is that “ Medusa was a very beautiful and gorgeous lady.

She was once raped at the temple of Athena, the goddess. Athena was so angry at this hence as a punishment she cursed Medusa for lifetime by  turning her hair into snakes and made her face ugly.  Athena, the goddess, made that beautiful young girl Medusa so ugly that whenever someone sees her turn into a stone.  

What Does a Medusa Tattoo mean : 

Medusa a historical mythical tattoo of Greeks have a deep meaning behind it. Below here is defined it’s meaning in detail.  

  • What Does a Medusa Tattoo mean

    What Does a Medusa Tattoo mean


  • Embodiment of Courage: 

One of the Medusa tattoo meaning is that it is an embodiment of courage. Means to say this Medusa tattoo is the symbol of strength and courage. Having Medusa tattoo on the body not only help you to strengthen your inner self but also put terror in the heart of others. Just like the quality of Medusa that she never afraid of anyone and everybody afraid her and don’t even think to mess with her.  

  • Symbol of Triumph: 

Medusa tattoo is the sign or the symbol of victory. Means to say this tattoo give its holder the courage to face challenges to get victory or success. This symbolism has been taken from the part of the Greek myth in which Medusa was defeated by a man named Perseus.

The man defeated her by cutting his head and after that he used her head in all the fights he went into and defeated his enemies with incredible powers of Medusa.  

  • Symbol of Transformation and Rebirth: 

Medusa tattoo meaning includes transformation and Rebirth too. This symbolism of Medusa tattoo covers the part of the Greeks myth that Medusa was a normal beautiful lady who later turned into an ugly snaked hair stone. It is like Medusa have started her life all over again. That’s the reason why Medusa tattoo is often associated with renewal. 

  • Overcoming Adversity: 

Medusa tattoo meaning also include overcoming Adversity. It symbolizes the power of resilience within the person who is having this tattoo. Just like Medusa even she was cursed she made curse her strength and never allow anybody to even stand in front if her. Similarly, this tattoo give its holder the strength to face hardships because soon the weakness of the tattoo holder will turn into  great power.  

Hope that the Medusa tattoo meaning is understandable for you now. 

what does medusa tattoo mean

what does medusa tattoo mean

Why do People make Medusa tattoo on à bodies? 

There are several reasons for which people make Medusa tattoo on their bodies. Few of them are described below: 

  • Honoring  Memories: 

Having Medusa tattoo on the body is a fashion these days which is followed by everybody especially by women. This is because having this tattoo on the body symbolizes respect and admiration for women warriors and mythological goddess. In addition, the individuals these days especially women also make Medusa tattoo on their body in the remembrance of the great women warriors.  

  • Timeless Feminine Beauty: 

Some ladies also make this tattoo on their body to show confidence and faith. They made this tattoo on their bodies to show and symbolize their inner strength and lasting beauty.  

  • Tribute to Greek Mythology: 

Besides all the reasons that are listed above for why someone make Medusa tattoo on body. There is another important reason which is for giving tribute and respect to Greek’s mythology. Hence whenever someone sees the Medusa tattoo on the body of a women he/she not only think of the lady that she is delicate but strengthen but also think that she has a great respect in her heart for Greek’s mythological history.  

  • Reminder to Inner Strength: 

The individuals who have Medusa tattoo on their bodies play the role of a reminder for the inner strength for them. For instance, if a women is facing problems and have loose the courage and suddenly sees the tattoo on the body will remind her  that she is very strengthen from inside and these difficult times cannot affect her moral and hope for success. All the obstacles will be passed soon and everything will be fine.  

Hope that the reason is clear now that why do People make Medusa tattoo on their bodies.  

What Kind of People Made Medusa Tattoos on their bodies: 

The kind of individuals especially ladies make Medusa tattoo on their bodies to show no matter  they are delicate they are strengthen from inside and have  confidence on themselves. They are not only beautiful from inside but also from outside and also have courage to face every hardship with great wisdom and  get success. In addition, Medusa tattoo also have an impact on the personality of the person.  

Medusa Tattoo Meaning Assault

Medusa Tattoo Meaning Assault

Medusa Tattoo Meaning Assault: 

Medusa tattoo have various meanings and symbolism across various contexts and traditions. But in assaulting context this tattoo is the symbol of  

  • Healing and recovery from a bad injury whether it is external or internal.  
  • In assault context, the Medusa tattoo meaning also include empowerment through trauma. Means to say it gives the courage to pass through any trauma that badly affect your health not only physically but also mentally . 
  • Medusa tattoo also symbolizes protection from future harm. Those who have Medusa tattoos on their bodies believe that it protects them from any harm that can happen to them in future. 
  • Medusa tattoo give its holders the courage to   face difficulties in life and pass through it.  

Hope that the Medusa tattoo meaning assault is clear now 

Medusa Tattoo Meaning for Male

Medusa Tattoo Meaning for Male

Medusa Tattoo Meaning for Male: 

For males Medusa tattoo have the same meaning as it hold for women. For instance, inner strength, courage for facing hardships and get success, respect to the Greek’s mythological history, etc. It concludes that Medusa tattoo have the same meaning and the source of courage for both men and women. 

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The whole conversation concludes that having Medusa tattoo on the body is the source of courage for everybody hence, everybody should make this tattoo on their bodies. However, in above article we have provided each and every detail regarding the Medusa Tattoo. Lastly, hope that above written article on the detail of Medusa tattoo meaning will be helpful to you to understand its meaning.  


On which parts of the body Medusa tattoo can be made? 

It is totally based on personal choice and preference. For instance, if someone want to make her tattoo look more sexier she would prefer to make her tattoo on the lower part of the back. And if someone wants to give her tattoo a  traditional worth and meaning she would prefer to make tattoo on the upper arm.  

Why it is referred to the girls to make Medusa tattoo from the female tattoo artist? 

This is referred for the convenience of women. This is because while making Medusa tattoo on the body especially on the lower part of the back the male tattoo artist might make you feel uncomfortable while no such problems occour when you hire a female tattoo artist.  

What does the Medusa tattoo mean? 

Medusa tattoo have several meanings behind it. It’s meanings include 

  • Embodiment of Courage 
  • Symbol of Triumph 
  • Symbol of Transformation and Rebirth 
  • Overcoming Adversity 


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